40 Observations on life


A few thoughts on life.:

  • It is easy to see the faults in others; but how many people are willing to admit their own faults and limitations?
  • We rarely regret being kind and sympathetic to others.
  • Money cannot guarantee us happiness, but neither can poverty. Happiness requires a detachment from both financial worries and a desire for endless riches.
  • We spend hours at school learning calculus and other useless subjects; we spend hours learning to drive a car and how to fill in tax forms. Why can’t we spend a few minutes learning how to control our own mind?
  • The fulfilment of a desire rarely brings peace, usually new desires take their place.
  • If we avoid a problem, we usually find the problem occurs in a different set of circumstances. No matter how hard we try to avoid it, eventually we have to face up to the problem.
  • “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars” – Oscar Wilde. To some people the world is a depressing and ugly place; to others the world is beautiful and full of hope. It is all a matter of choice.

  • Real relaxation does not just involve sitting in a comfy chair. Relaxation requires us to switch off from our over active mind.
  • Brooding over problems invariably makes them worse. There is alot to be said for just forgetting them.
  • What you think about will, in some form, come into your life . Be careful what you wish for.
  • In the mad rush of modern life, there is great peace to be found in spending 30 mins in quiet reflection.
  • Worries and anxieties rarely materialise and when they do, they are usually less problematic than we feared.
  • Anger is a quick poison. It’s main effect is to make ourselves miserable and lose our sense of perspective.
  • Poise is a beautiful quality. The best cure for nervousness and worry is the cultivation of calmness, detachment and inner poise.
  • Sometimes we do things we know are wrong, but we can’t stop ourselves. The burnt hand strengthens our conscience more than we might admit.
  • Why Should we be at Peace just at odd times in the day? The greatest challenge in life is to maintain inner peace and inner equanimity throughout the day; it is the best way to be happy even during the most testing experiences.
  • A truth doesn’t cease to be truth, just because it is unpopular.
  • It is easy to judge and more difficult to forgive; but each person is trying in their own way to do the right thing.
  • Constant noise is not necessary. A person who cannot spend time on his own, is ill at ease with himself and the world.
  • To have great enthusiasm for an activity is a real blessing. When we are motivated and enthusiastic we can do unimaginable things.
  • How can we find our goal, if we never think about it? It is all too easy to be lost in an endless rush of activity and busyness, forgetting the important things in life.
  • We might not welcome adversity into our lives, but, difficult situations can bring about a beneficial transformation that would never have occurred just sitting on a beach.
  • A moment of sincere gratitude does help us appreciate the finer things of life.
  • Cynicism may have various justifications. But constant cynicism and mistrust will never change the world and certainly never bring peace of mind or happiness.
  • We should never feel worthless because everyone, in some way, has the capacity to inspire others.
  • Alas, we are often too reluctant to offer a kind thought and kind words.
  • Remaining Silent when you are tempted to argue and vent your frustrations can save you on many occasions.
  • Write down a list of worries and anxieties that have gone through your mind during the day. If we are honest, we will be a bit embarrassed at how pathetic and unrealistic some of them are.
  • Smiling really is the easiest and cheapest way to make yourself and others happy.
  • To sincerely admire other people is to feel a oneness with their good qualities. It can definitely help us to make these qualities part of ourselves.
  • Trying to convince people through argument and debate is as futile as asking the broken computer to kindly start working again.
  • It may be hard to believe, but life really did exist before the invention of cars, mobile phones, email and instant messaging; apparently, people were even quite happy.
  • We absorb from others by osmosis. Whoever we spend time with will affect our state of mind – whether for better or worse.
  • Music has a unique capacity to inspire, soothe and uplift the soul. If we have no time for music, what are we doing with our life?
  • Perfect selfless love, is very rare in this world.
  • Jealousy of other’s success is to make ourselves needlessly miserable.
  • There is nothing worse than depression. Depression has to be fought with every ounce of our inner strength.
  • We tend to think of Hollywood stars as having glittering lives. But, why do so many end up with broken relationships and mental problems? They are only successful in pursuit of a pseudo happiness – the pleasures of promiscuous sex, drugs, alcohol, money and fame.
  • Silence is a much underrated quality in modern life.
  • People who try to dominate others invariably are full of insecurities.
  • Coffee maybe a slow poison. But, a really perfect Italian coffee, every now and then, is one of life’s great pleasures.


Photo from: NZ, Sri Chinmoy Centre galleries

4 thoughts on “40 Observations on life”

  1. “We rarely regret being kind and sympathetic to others.”

    One might even go as far as to say, if we’re in a state of gratitude we never regret being kind and sympathetic to others… since the regret requires us to have an attachment to the outcome.

    This reminds me of the story on my website “The Giver Should be Thankful”.

    Easier said than done, though. It’s so often to just be thankful when somebody does something for us… but how often are we just in a state of thanks regardless of our environment and experiences?

    Honestly speaking, I’ve felt that only a handful of times. And that handful of times are some of the most memorable… simple… but memorable.

  2. Very nice, wise musings.

    I did enjoy a lot your last observation. I hope one of these days to be able to trat you to a real Italian coffe experience.


  3. “Constant noise is not necessary. A person who cannot spend time on his own, is ill at ease with himself and the world.”

    Yes, we must be able to close all our doors and be alone
    with someone deep inside us.

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