When Silence is the best Philosophy


Silence, unmoved and rising,
Silence, unmoved and sheltering,
Silence, unmoved and permanent,
Silence, unmoved and brilliant,
Silence, broad and immense like the Ganga,
Silence, unmoved and increasing,
Silence, white and shining like the Moon,
Silence, the Essence of Siva.

– Sivavakkiyar

There was a young aspirant who wished to learn the meaning of life so he travelled to meet the most famous philosophers of his age. The first philosopher gave a very great and lengthy explanation on the meaning of life. The aspirant was suitably impressed and awed by the magnificence of his deliberations. However, straight away this theory was criticised by another philosopher. He cogently pointed out many deficiencies in his system; instead he pointed out another philosophy, which he argued was far superior. Like this several philosophers came to argue their case for having the best philosophy. Some said truth could not be discovered in this life, others said that truth was in a particular book. However, with so many conflicting philosophy’s the aspirant just became confused.

The aspirant decided to travel deep into the forest where he came across a yogi deep in meditation. His face expressed a countenance of deep equanimity, peace and, contemplation. Eagerly the aspirant asked the yogi what was the meaning of life. To this question, the yogi did not flicker even an eyelid, but continued in his deep meditation. The aspirant was disappointed, but remained inspired by the consciousness of the yogi. The next day he came back and his repeated question, the yogi maintained his silence. It was then that the aspirant realised the meaning of life could never be explained in words.  At this point he began to learn meditation himself.

In my deep silence I never become a victim to ignorance,
the greatest calamity that can befall any human being.
In my growing silence I am convinced that even as a man on this earth I shall be able to reach heights, transcendental, divine.
My glowing silence alone can accelerate my
Godward march.

– Sri Chinmoy

– My Silence, from Songs of the Soul

When silence is the best philosophy

1. Dealing with Criticism.

The world is full of critics – there has never been a shortage of critics! If you ever try to do something new you will definitely attract critics. The words of critics can take away all our inspiration and leave us wondering how to respond. However, if we can respond with silence, we maintain a great dignity. The critic wishes to provoke us, but by maintaining silence we are showing that it is beneath our dignity to respond to their false criticisms. It is like they are trying to give us something, but by refusing to accept their gift, the negativity remains with them. By maintaining silence we remain completely detached from their negativity. We can just concentrate on doing the right thing.

Criticism takes away
The very life-breath
Of our peace-heart.

– Sri Chinmoy

2. Stupid Ideas.

Suppose a friend or colleague comes up with an idea for a project. However, we feel that this idea is both unworkable and unpractical. If the idea is foolish we can waste much time and valuable energy in pointing out its weakness. However, instead of trying to show how it is unworkable, we can maintain silence. We will neither argue against it nor work for it. By maintaining silence we require the proponent of the argument to make it work. 9 times out 10 they will not be able to make it happen. Thus, the plan falls of its own accord and we have done nothing other than maintain silence on it.  

3. Inner Peace and Relaxation

Is there anybody who would not appreciate more inner peace? Life is stressful, and it seems difficult to be able to relax and be at peace. However, it is quite possible to detach ourselves from the worries and anxieties endemic in modern life. The key is the ability to maintain silence for a few minutes each day. Here silence does not just mean outer silence; real silence means silence in our mind. This requires us to control our thoughts. If we can maintain silence in our mind, we will feel great inner peace no matter what is happening in the outer life.

4. Gossip

Some humans love to gossip and point out the bad habits of other people. When others start to gossip it is easy to get drawn in. Before we know it, we are criticising our friends and work colleagues. If others were gossiping about us we would feel bad and miserable, yet here we are doing it ourselves. When people start gossiping, it is best to maintain silence. If we become known as someone who does not gossip and spread unkind words about people we will greater respect.  

Photo by Ranjit Swanson, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

51 thoughts on “When Silence is the best Philosophy”

  1. my husband seems to have perfected this art of silence. he remains silent whenever i feel despairing or sad and ask him to sort out the issues between us.
    silence can also hurt.
    I know its not this silence you are talking about at all but the silence at the core of peace.
    Guess silence is not just absence of words

  2. i have found many inner and outer conflicts to disperse in silence
    calmness takes over
    life seems more precious, and I appreciate every moment that much more
    silence is beautiful

  3. I agree with smita silence can be hurtful at times. knowing the best thing to do would guide someone when it is not wise to be silent.

  4. i am a third year philosophy in the seminary and i am very interested about the value of silnce.

  5. There is no one that likes better to chit chat than I.
    But not gossip. Lately, I am very silent; live alone
    and have neighbor annoyances, including a dog that barks every time i walk across the floor, or he/she
    ears the TV. It is so annoying and drive me crazy.
    Lady must have a health problem, cause she flushes the toilet every five minutes… very annoying.
    I live in a sr citizen complex and the walls and floors are tissue thin. Think the Feds could have built better places but I have to accept.
    Your comments please. thank you.

  6. A rather interesting thought and a well made point, however in some cases silence is not the best philosophy, being a silent person by nature, an observer as i’d prefer to say, i have run into a few problems that i find can and cannot be solved by remaining silent, i would like to also comment on the point about gossip, i am not a gossiper but i do resent it, i have be subject to many conversations that i would prefer not to and i can say now that remaining silent in MOST cases will not bring you respect from others, nor will it stop other people from gossiping about you (whether that was mentioned or not) granted in some situations you are respected by observers however that does not change the fact that the gossipers and those who listen to them disrespect you, although in the cases of others things are different.

    Marc, i am afraid to say that what you have said is wrong, granted silence can help this world but it has gone too far for it to be neutralised, the only way to bring the world to a neutral stay is through natural causes that could and could not happen anywhere and anywhen.

    As a side note for those who beleive silence isn’t good all the time, i ask you to think at some times, is it better to be silent or to let out something that could be more painful.

    Comments would be appreiciated, should offence be taken by anything in this message then i thoroughly apologise.

  7. Silence is the most powerful existence.Is the esence of life is what the rest comes from and goes into. There is no confusion no ego no question.Simply is.

  8. Hi Dr Oberoi, thanks for the question – I think when you are silent and calm automatically this will spread to those around you. Everyone you meet will be in some way affected by your new found peace

  9. Wow, this is so effective. I used to need to know all that was going on. Now I realise that I don’t need to know, and it is so much more beneficial to be silent and let other people get on with it without me, when they need to find out and learn for themselves. They know I am willing to help, but also that now I won’t interfere. I’m a lot less stressed.

  10. I hope it must be followed as per topic, situation, person, place, and time. As per my knowledge and information, it helps me a lot for concentration, being laconic, and becoming the best among all.

  11. I talk a lot & listen less to others, to me its all about showing off my ‘knowledge’, I seldom listen, eagerly waiting for the other person to finish so I can tell him/her my ‘important’ story. This is worrying me, as now I’m aware of this egoic habit which is also fuelled by approval seeking from others. I try at times to discipline my self during conversations but I set my self up to failure as I’m eager for change. All I’m asking is what shall I do to experience inner peace, figuratively speaking nor in the literality of my mind ?

  12. I’m glad i understood this article as it made me realised how talkative i’ve been trying to say everything at once without actually making any sense

  13. Silence is d mozt wonderful & powerful thing in d world !! STRONGLY AGREE…as it avoids a lot of misunderstandings dat mite occur due to heated mind disputes….


    Silence kills wen u wanna sort few things out with ur loved ones and everyone is silent to avoid further dispute / misunderstanding….

    It hurts in such cases and increases personal grudges !!! 🙁

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