How To Cure Depression

Depression and unhappiness is a miserable experience. There is nothing worse than a feeling of depression, we should seek to try and avoid depression as much as possible.

To Overcome Depression there are a number of things that we can try and do.

1. Do not Dwell on Depressed Thoughts.

If we always ruminate over our depressed mindset it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to overcome our depression. Our thoughts influence our state of mind very strongly. Sometimes our depressed thoughts can appear quite powerful, but we need to try and let go of them. If we constantly say no to negative and depressed thoughts, there will come a time when they will stop bothering us.

2. Focus on Positive Things.

If it is difficult to stop negative thoughts occurring, another suggestion is to focus on good, inspiring, uplifting thoughts. When we feel depressed, we should force ourselves to think about something good. This can either be about somebody else, or something we have achieved in the past. When we are depressed we may feel to entertain such thoughts is useless. But, even if we are unsuccessful in the beginning, these good thoughts will slowly percolate through our mind. It will have a positive effect over time, even if we don't expect it to.

Each negative thought
Is the beginning of today's
Unbearable self-torture.

Each positive thought
Is the beginning of tomorrow's
Unimaginable God-rapture.

- Sri Chinmoy [1]

3. Be Active

One of the best cures for depression is to engage in various activities. When we are busy our mind does not have time to dwell on a depressed train of thought. Physical exercise can be particularly helpful; this is because when we exercise we release serotonin, a helpful chemical for improving state of mind
Quite often, when we are depressed we do not feel like doing anything. Therefore, we need to try and force ourselves to go and do something. It may be help to do things with others.

4. Speak to Others

When we share problems and worries with other people, we can unburden a significant cause of our depression. When we discuss things with others, it helps us to get a sense of perspective. It is important to be able to find someone who will be a good listener. We shouldn't expect others to solve our problems for us. But, at the same time we should feel that we do not need to be entirely self-sufficient.

5. Be Positive.

It might be difficult, but we should try to be positive and sincerely seek to throw off our depression. It is a mistake to encourage sympathy and feelings of self-pity. When we attract others to console us, it will not cut off the root of depression; in fact it can often feed the depression.

6. Find the Joy Within.

Our real nature is joy, if we can access the soul we can experience this inner joy, which is the underlying essence of our being. When we are depressed we should feel that this is a false reflection of our nature. We should feel the necessity of going beyond this temporary state and bringing to the fore our inner happiness.

"But the strength of the soul's will is far greater than the strength of these undivine forces. If you can bring forward even one percent of your soul's willpower, with that you will be able to conquer your depression."

- Sri Chinmoy [2]

7. Smile

Even if the smile is false and forced it may help a little. When we smile we can have a positive effect on our state of mind. The more we smile and laugh the easier it is to overcome depression.

[1] Excerpt from Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 25 by Sri Chinmoy

[2] How to Illumine Depression by Sri Chinmoy


Article by R.Pettinger, Sri Chinmoy Centre 9th May 2007.

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Overcome Depression